Our New Site

Our New Site
  • December 10th, 2014
  • Comments Off on Our New Site

Another departure from our informative posts – I feel the need to address our fans directly. This one is for you. It may be obvious for those who follow us close, but everything is freshened up around here. Clarity, focus, and simplicity was our main aim with the new site. We wanted one, singular, responsive site to keep a consistent look and feel for all of our users, move things – like our preserves – to a place where we think they deserve; why put all that work into something like canning a year’s worth of goods and bury it’s unignorable beauty? So, time was spent thinking of what we were looking for, what it needed to be able to handle and how everything was meant to fit together, it’s look and feel, and this here is where we ended up. A lot has changed since 2008, from available technology to what we do and feature in-store, so change was required. Needless to say, we’re quite keen on it and think between the use of Bootstrap, responsive images, and the focus put forth on this new base – we’ve set ourselves for a bright future.

Our hope is that you enjoy the new layout as much as we do. Want to give us a virtual high-five on our pretty new digs? Did we miss something in our design? Drop us a comment below!

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