Uncle John’s Apricot Cider – Sweet Success

  • December 26th, 2012
  • Comments Off on Uncle John’s Apricot Cider – Sweet Success

uncle john ciderWe’ve carried Uncle John’s Cider for a few years. It’s great on those first fall nights or to crack open in the deep winter in front of a fire or on the patio with a warm breeze rolling through. Cider can be the perfect alternative to wine or beer at all times of the year, but we can’t help but think of them when the leaves start turning.

When we got our hands on some Apricot Cider we couldn’t turn it down, but when it hit our lips we wanted to keep them all to ourselves – although we knew we should really share. This cider is just a bit more sweet than John’s original cider, the apricots smooth out some of the punchy tartness that can come from just apples. It’s got a slight pinkish-orange hue and lots of tasty stone fruit flavor. We think it’s the perfect compliment or alternative to picking up a bottle of their original. A couple of bottles of tasty, easy drinking could be just what is in order for a cool winter’s evening.

Grab an Apricot Cider from Uncle John’s Cider off our shelves – it’ll be a sweet addition to any occasion, big or small.

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